Recent Publications

Mukherji, A. (2016). Resilience at the margins: Informal housing recovery in Bachhau, India after the 2001 Gujarat quake. International Journal of Housing Policy. DOI: 10.1080/14616718.2016.1219648

Mukherji, A. (2015). From tenants to owners: Housing renters after disaster in Bhuj, India. Housing Studies, 30(7): 1135-1157. DOI: 10.1080/02673037.2015.1008423

Panel Discussion at 2016 Natural Hazards Center Workshop

Anuradha Mukherji participated in a panel discussion at the Natural Hazards Conference in Colorado. (From the American Planning Association twitter feed.)

Recent Publications

An updated list below of my most recent publications. All my recent and past publications are listed on Selected Works. Please click on the Selected Works Logo (an open book) at the bottom of this web page to access/download the articles.

Peer Reviewed Journal Articles

  • Mukherji, A. (2014). Post-disaster housing recovery: The promise and peril of social capital. Journal of Civil Society. DOI: 10.1080/17448689.2014.885787
  • Mukherji, A., Ganapati, N.E., Rahill, G.J. (2014). Expecting the unexpected: Field research in post-disaster settings. Natural Hazards. DOI: 10.1007/s11069-014-1105-8
  • Ganapati, N.E., Mukherji, A. (2014). Out of sync: Shared lessons from India and Turkey on World Bank funding and post-disaster planning for housing recovery. Natural Hazards Review, 15(1): 58-73. DOI: 10.1061/(ASCE)NH.1527-6996.0000120
  • Rahill, G.J., Ganapati, N.E., Clérismé, J.C., Mukherji, A. (2014). Shelter recovery in urban Haiti after the earthquake: The dual role of social capital. Disasters, 38(S1): S73-S93. DOI: 10.1111/disa.12051

Abe Fellowship Award 2014-2016

I am a recipient of the Abe Fellowship (2014-16) from the Social Science Research Council (SSRC) in collaboration with the American Council of Learned Societies and with funding from The Japan Foundation Center for Global Partnership. This year the SSRC received 90+ applications and awarded 12 fellowships. The fellowship provides research support that will allow me to continue my work in Japan on land-use change adaptation that I began in 2012 with the JSPS fellowship (Japan Society for the Promotion of Science Fellowship) following the 2011 Great East Japan Earthquake and Tsunami. My research project is titled, Planning Urban Recovery and Resilience: Comparing Land Use Policy and Adaptation Initiatives After Catastrophic Events. More information about the fellowship itself is available at Abe Fellowship.

Emergency Management Planning Class Looks at the Impact of Post-Floyd Pitt County Buyout Program

The Emergency Management Planning course is offered every spring semester as part of the Urban and Regional Planning program’s coastal concentration. Nine students were enrolled in Spring 2014. Working within the constraints of a 14-weeks semester, students carried out an impact assessment study of a federally funded Pitt County buyout program that was implemented after the 1999 Hurricane Floyd. The aim of the project was to understand the socio-economic, environmental, and development outcomes of the buyout program in the impacted area, 15 years after Floyd. The project was undertaken in collaboration with the Pitt County Department of Planning and Development. Students carried out site visits for visual documentation of parcels in the impacted area along with data collection on floodplain designation change, land use change, and tax value change for each parcel. Current and pre-1999 data were compared to document patterns of development and analyze the project’s impact. Students determined that the buyout program was a moderate success, although, there is still great risk in the area. The project contributed to an experiential learning for the students. The image below was taken after the first field visit to the project site in the floodplain, it includes Pitt County officials from Planning and Development: James Rhodes (Director, 3rd from left), Eli Johnson (Senior Planner, 1st from right) and Bryan Jones (Environmental Planner, 4th from right).


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