My teaching experience spans various formats taught at multiple levels including graduate seminars and undergraduate introductory and cap-stone studio courses. I have taught courses within my area of specialization such as Disaster Planning, Policy, and Practice and Sustainable Land Use, and in my broader area of expertise such as Comparative Housing and Urban Form and Design.
Evaluating Local Needs Related to Hazard Mitigation & Preparedness
The Spring 2022 Disaster Planning class collaborated with the Mid-East Commission to evaluate and report on the needs of their client county in three areas related to disaster planning such that the information could be used to submit grant applications for specific funding streams:
- Infrastructure: Needs related to the expansion of wastewater or water treatment facility, roads, sewer, electric, etc.
- Housing: Needs related to household relocation, property acquisition, home elevation, etc.
- General: Needs related to economic development, neighborhood revitalization, parks and recreation, emergency shelters, special housing for low-to-middle income households, etc.
Community stakeholders participated in the final presentations and appreciated the students’ work.
Disaster Planning Class Received NADO Award
The Spring 2021 Disaster Planning class collaborated with the Mid-East Commission to assess and evaluate key components of the Martin County Emergency Operations Plan (EOP). The project was one of the two nominated for (by the Mid-East Commission) and won a NADO Award.
Fall 2020 Urban Design e-Magazine
In Fall 2020, the Urban Form and Design (PLAN 4003) course was taught completely online. In keeping with this virtual format, the final project asked students to design and create an eZine (an e-Magazine) to explain urban design concepts using the information that the students had learned in the course. The objective of the project was to challenge the students to synthesize and cull material from the course and categorize and present it in an eZine using the structure of a deck of cards.